Tag Archives: death

Near Death Experience or just a Dream?!


I was really sick soon after I shifted from mumbai to kolkata for almost 2 months, with terrible stomach infection, body ache, and IBS, lost 7 kgs within those 2 months.

I don’t know if I had a near death experience when before going to sleep after sufferring terrible pain and shivering cold in hot n humid kolkata weather all day, and only after having medicines the pain subsided and I could sleep. It was on that very night I had experienced this and remember it very vividly.

I experienced my husband, my child and myself in a really huge water park, with no other human there. The water park could be the size of 2 or 3 football fields, it was pitch dark with only 1 light in the middle of a yellow steel rectangular shaped space built right in the middle of that water park, there were no other water rides, or activity. Only water and in the middle a rectangular yellow steel framed space to climb up or rest.

I had a thought that we 3 had come together but I was continuously searching for them moving around that rectangular steel frame. I kept moving in search of my child and husband and I could clearly see there was no one in that water park except me in completely dark n ill lighted space.

My heart was throbbing fast, I could sense it, and suddenly I clung to the yellow pole of that rectangular steel frame and this was the time I began rising upwards like a air ballon, I did not struggle much and left the pole and floated in straight up direction where I saw the water park clearly shrinking in size as I moved up and up slowly.

It was dark all around in air , no clouds and I think I was just 500 mtrs or little more above the surface of that water park. It was darkness all around that was frightening and fear took over as I struggled to fall down back into the water, but the more I struggled to move down, the little I floated up and more up, then I stopped all movements and realized I was mid air, stuck mid air.

It was darkness all around , no clouds, no stars, nothing. Just water park with little dot of light and dark space all around me. I did not look up, I looked around only that I remember.

It was then when I had stopped to struggle I was no longer in fear or uncertainity. I knew there was nothing coming to me or nothing happening to me from here, I was just hanging, floating mid aIr with eyes to see everywhere and it was only darkness.

There was nothing coming to harm me or nothing pulling me down or taking me up. It was the most saddest or painful situation to be where there was nothing.

Only nothing was with me with eyes open to darkness all around.

I don’t know if this is a near death experience or not but the space I was in, there was nothing to do or go away from. Into darkness a place where you could take nothing or get nothing.

Only mystery, not even peace or fear after all that.

One could be stuck there forever for eternity.

Original Experience ©️

After all Its Not Necessary !

After all Its Not Necessary !

Natural Health & Healing

Yesterday I asked this question to myself ID-100220506

Is this all really Necessary ? 

To get a job, to get enrolled for some course, to save money to buy house , to achieve something in life, to make more money, to have a baby as soon as possible , to have big dreams like buying a yacht and a penthouse and doing something in life that is remarkable and something that would make people around me say WOW , and then seeing their expression would make me happy, happy as in real happy i guess.

Its clear, Is this all really necessary , i mean we only do certain things to feel happy and proud only when others are there to see them around who would cheer us, greet us , congratulate us, and work for us or just please us. Isn’t this true !

Imagine there is only you on…

View original post 348 more words

We Cannot Please Everyone !


We Cannot Please Everyone !

Natural Health & Healing

First Understand this :

” yeh duniya tumhare baap ki nahin hai aur naahi tum is duniya ke thekedaar ho ”

( this world is not owned by your dad nor you’re the master of this world)

then why worry so much…?

I have wasted almost 1/3rd of my life in pleasing other’s actually by doing what other’s perceive is acceptable and appreciable. And to this day even after realizing that i cannot make everyone happy and if others have to REMAIN unhappy i really cannot be their clown forever trying to make them smile, for am not even getting PAID for that. then why the hell should i even try.

One must know that you only got this life which is at your hand , yes this life the very moment now that you are ID-10020806breathing , this is your’s its you and everything around is about you

View original post 422 more words


Since we have tried all the worldly pleasure’s since birth, it becomes difficult to live without them, if at all we had been brought up without those experiences, we would never knew any less or anything like suffering.

Since we have t…

The Prophecy II : Cannibalism


starvation madness cannibalism raft  

Man will be a man eater :  Starvation Leads to Cannibalism 

https://thoughtsummary.wordpress.com/2013/01/10/the-prophecy-hate-crimes/ I take this further, and believe that everything been said is coming true in light of the recent news reports from North Korea, where the people are eating their own kids due to starvation.


While it’s certainly not the first allegation of cannibalism to come from North Korea, it’s equally as disturbing as those that preceded it.

Troubling reports of a rise in starvation — and cannibalism — have emerged inside of a nation that continues to be intensely-secretive and shut off from the wider global community. According to an independent outlet called Asia Press, North Koreans are so desperate that they are increasingly turning to corpses and even murdering their own children for food.

One man allegedly dug up his grandchild’s corpse and ate it. Another purportedly killed and boiled his child for food. Of late, yet another individual has reportedly been executed for killing two of his children for the same purposes.


This certainly would shock and make you go crazy for sometime, as we have often come across news reports saying that so many people died due to starvation and famines etc but never like people consume other people due to starvation . Well its happening around in some nations, where they eat up their own kids because of lack of food or no food at all, they took the extreme steps of hacking their own kids and then eating and selling them as mutton .

While thinking and writing about this i remembered another incidence where some time back a mail was being circulated around where in similar country,  people were being served baby flesh, the mothers who got their abortions done or sold their unwanted child to these restaurants where the babies were chopped, cooked and served to customers who eat the flesh for they liked human babies soft meat. There were pictures of these in the mail depicted and explained with labels.

Not having food is one thing and having food and still being a cannibal is another . Hopefully some people would agree to give up on their own life out of hunger rather hack the life of another living person to feed themselves . Its completely barbaric to do something like this, its complete disaster and doom of humanity where man is becoming a man eater day by day be it for hunger or be it for liking they are literally doing it.

The prophecies are becoming true with every passing day and so is the fear for life and helplessness for not being able to change the world growing every day .

Rebellious Hope Beyond Personalized Failure


Every genre of life holds some kind of productive roots that need to be harnessed in order to sustain for life and better livelihood to keep cycle of life consistent. For a human, its quite unimaginable to think about a life that is absent of materialism.The pursuit of this powerful yet significant source ( money) for life is ruthless and impinges upon the life so much that without it one can barely live the act of living.

The insatiable human life that never cease’s to desire materialism, hardly has any space left for spiritual conscious growth that could pose as a great escape for some who breath their last breath of soot in misfortune as their endless failures never ended.

For some failure is the end of experiments but for me failure is a beautiful concept that reminds me of my existence, am alive and in action and that I am making full use of every breath of mine. And i never fail to happen be it for countless failures or little spells of chance success. life is as much you and i know about it with past present and future attributed around two words success or failures but we fail to see beyond these two dictionary words.

It is unexpected of any human to detach them self from the life they have today, with so much of happening around them, since childhood school to their adulthood offices, life is full of events, emotions etc. whatever has happened in the past or whatever will happen in the future, we all try to personalize them and include those events of the past to the present moment and even attach the present shaping to suit it best for the future.

In the process we stop realizing the present which is all today the very moment we live in, we care so much about the failures the mistakes the events that happened that it begin to shape our future through our present moments of pondering over the past, thinking it shouldn’t happen again in the future we keep ruining and playing with the present.

The future has innumerable opportunities that the present may not know, the lack of awareness of the future is a blessing i believe as the graph of life is never a line, its rhythmic and this is a sign that we should have rebellious hope to do our work till the end whatever be the outcome let it remain, let it hold, but never stop the action.

Failures often leave us down and disappointed and even hopeless so much that we choose to quit action or some may even quit their lives, because again the matter is how you take the failures . There can be intermittent or consistent failures in life , if you ask me, i have consistent failures that i never personalize.

Because the day you begin to personalize with the failures its the day you cease to act anymore. Be it one or endless failures it should never let you stop, rather be rebellious having hope not for success or winning but hope that you shall continue despite these failures even if it happen time and again .

To hope in misery is to be rebel, to hope life in death is rebel, Hope is an endless rebellion towards life that even failure is natural and so is the hope that should never end. Hope is just not a factor or a word if you term it like that then the failure is just a word defined for a thing, idea, or event that went wrong not the way you planned.

I believe that these terms like, failure, mistakes, devastated  depressed, death, divorce, pain, ruined etc are becoming more symbolic and full of imagery the moment you think of them whereas the positive words like being happy, love,hope, faith, never give up, belief  etc are becoming more abstract because we can barely find any of the events describing them in our imagination when we are only going through the above negative terms that heavily sits and eat up our conscious.

which is why more and more people are becoming sad and full of disappointing because the ones they seek approval from or even look up for positivism are themselves full of negativity in and around them. we actually have lost our innate capacity to harness our own energy for being positive and its hard to do that mechanical work now of rebuilding.

The more practical answer to failures is then only the rebellious hope for this you need not change your mental setup of all positive and spirituality because i know its very hard to do it, even i cannot pull myslef from thinking negative so many times but the thing i always practice is this incessant hope i keep which becomes more and more rebellious with every failure that i encounter.

It has made me hard and courageous and so much that am least affected by life, am more able to enjoy small moments of happiness i dont long for big ones and i enjoy small things like eating the left piece of cake, or cooking some noodle, playing with my niece, or watching my Favorite songs. I no longer wait but i still move and act and i dont give up on action in life for there’s nothing to loose till the time you’re alive play with life.

Will Fight My Destiny Unto Death


 बड़ी दूर दिखती है ज़िन्दगी की खुशियाँ

हमने जलाई हर पल गमो की लड़ियाँ 

जाने कब किस दौर में ख़त्म होगा इंतज़ार
अब तो उम्र का हर मोड़ होता बेकरार
इन्तेहाँ हो चली सोचते सोचते यह बात
ज़िन्दगी की हर बाज़ी में क्यूँ खाई मात
 ख़त्म हो चुका हर आस पर से विश्वास
जीने की तमन्ना भी नहीं आती अब रास
येही नियति है अगर, और है येही किस्मत
तो जानलो इसमें भी जी लुंगी मरते दम तक                                                                                                                                                       


Love For He’s Her


तुम जी सकोगे कैसे, किसी को दुःख देकर ,


की तुम जी सकोगे कैसे, किसी को दुःख देकर

और मन में यह राज़ कैसे जीयोगे साथ लेकर


की ज़िन्दगी युही नहीं, बीत जाती है बिताने भर से,

अफ़साने छुप नहीं जाते, ज़माने से नज़रे चुरालेने में


अब तो गैरो की बाँहों में भी ले लेते होगे तुम पनहा

जला लेते होगे शाम ऐ महफ़िल में, अपनी कोई नयी शमा


अफ़सोस कुछ भी नहीं तेरे जीने के ढंग से मुझे

पर जलन है की, दर्द लेके भी, क्यूँ याद है तू मुझे


ज़िन्दगी में बस और कुछ नहीं चाहत तुझको लेकर

बस परवाह है उस शमा की जो होगी तेरी सेज पर


फिकर है उस ओज की जो बुझती होगी हर लम्हा

दुःख देकर जीए तू, क्यूँ होता नहीं खुद फ़ना


Live up to Life




A beautiful picture i clicked in Rishikesh of the holy river Ganga

 The world is full of miseries and more miseries,am not starting on a pessimistic note rather explaining the hard reality of life that we would rarely love to believe in because, if we  accept the reality we would cease to act any further .

 To accept the change of circumstances in life is to accept yourself and the courage you show to adjust and make changes within, rather than the outer circles of your life.

This Acceptance does not mean you lack, the power to change or that you succumb to situations. its only when there are events that happen in life like, death, loss of love, breakup, calamities man made or natural, or even when we are not able to change a specific person and certain relations or events which go out of hands and we have nothing else to change about it or do, then comes the acceptance, the unnatural part of our natural self which we are not aware about.

It takes a lot, really a lot of courage to get over a certain event or crises in our life and get back to normal self. it may take days, months or even some years or a lifetime to get out of the depths of such painful events.

 here’s how we can do it or deal with it in in thoughts and thinking …

 Things do happen as they always do, what has to happen will surely happen no matter how good or bad or great you’ve been in your life. 

When you sit in a coffee shop, you sit there and look around you everything is moving , everything is going around and coming around and you are there, sitting holding your cup, life is still moving even if you are not there in the crowd and you stop to happen for a moment. its stillness in you , your actions but the world still moves and its the rule of the nature that nothing stops.

And this never ending , never stopping of nature teaches us to always keep moving no matter what happens , no matter what comes , if you are living , you breathe you live your life and this is what you are meant to do, to keep on moving, neither you have the power to stop yourself nor you have the power to stop the movement around you. the ones who live , live it all good. the best part is you have the choice to make things move again if you live .

But then moving on is one thing and a question would happen to you always is that why it had to be with you ?

Why  ME ? 

Why Not HIM, Why Not HER ?

 She is an Evil and He is a Sinner

Am a Saint and a Forgiver

And here you first need to think that its okay “ITS ME” now , what next, god picked me for this, maybe am the chosen one ..

I say this because bad things or rather struggles happen to those who are near to god, because pain makes you more closer to god and one remembers him in each and every moment of that pain or misery. Be it any survivor or any person our from a deep trouble always cherishes life more and lives it even more, remembering every moment as gift from god. Good things happen to everyone but struggle and pain comes to some, not everyone is so courageous and great to deal with them. 

Even LORD SHIVA , had to spent so many years in pain, disenchantment and samadhi when devi sati left his world, even the lords have moments of pain and turmoils. But then Lord SHIVA too accepted it all and also accepted devi parvati ( devi sati’s reincarnation)

 So its not just you and me or why only me , its everyone even the gods who were fortunate enough to have their share, because of their struggle and suffering we look up to them for removing our struggles. If the gods hadn’t had any suffering and we alone had it as humans, then would we be able to think about them, to be feeling the same way we feel or struggle with such misfortunes,no i hope not.

 Another very important way to deal with such life situations is to accept the loss and painful event, the realization that yes am unhappy and so be it , but yes i can be happy too,  moreover if am not able to help myself then how will i help the people around me to cope up with the same.

 A strong person can pull a weak person, but a weak person can never pull a weak person.

 So going by the above lines one should always be acceptably up in emotions so that he / she can pull the other person out of that troublesome situation or event. If today you are in control of your situation and you have accepted the reality that things cannot be changed and it will be like this all throughout then its best to accept and make amends in your thoughts at least the very same time, the moment you accept it in your thoughts things will start functioning your brain shall be more active enough to think out ways to overcome it because now you have complete hold of the situation and you are through with its process and objectives.

 Prolonging the pain and suffering would lead no where. you should explore, this that the bad events had to happen and you can never be in same set of emotions all your life and that you have to be happy some day, then why not that day be today even if things are not good and you cannot change it, but think about other factors like you have no diseases, no blindness, no lameness, every body part is intact by the grace of god, and u have your two or three meals for a day and that you don’t need to beg for that. But think about the people who actually have all this and the fact that its with them forever but still they live strong, and from this you are away living nicely. so the present is much more beautiful when compared to a whole life of pain, such comparisons help a lot to rediscover the real life happiness and to do away with pain.

 Always view every second of your life as worth living , don’t ruin it , life is much more than problems and losses, Be it if you live individually or with others your life is your own life, there’s nothing to lose just live for self and not for people or objects as i have discussed in my earlier post, as i believe that you come without anyone or anything and you go only with your KARMA. ” the grave has no boxes, neither the shroud has any pockets so what you wish to take away with you doesn’t come into existence at all. its all Namesake and rests in this physical world.

 You came alone, you go alone out of this world but what remains with you always is your  KARMA. Its Better to start working on karma to make your life more worth living and not to feel the things that stop your actions and take you away from your duties, as its easy to moan all your life over losses than to begin again from the scratch and therefore to sit back and remain in pain and suffering is almost an excuse.

life never stops ,life never ceases to happen

  Sun never ceases to give light, water never ceases to move, wind never ceases to flow and god never ceases to listen to your prayers, and till the time you live your karma always grow.

Krishna : Man for Every Yuga


Krishna and Radha with gopiyas.


I was reading this book by Osho, that my fiance mailed me to read, where he talks about the significance teaching and philosophy given by Krishna.

So far i have read only 8 pages and am thankful to him for the great book.

Osho is a magnanimous being , he cannot be touched , talked or thought about casually just like Buddha, Krishna and Shiva for his knowledge and enlightened ness.  He speaks about Krishna is a man meant to be understood and his philosophies and lessons should be understood and applied by all. But its unfortunate on our part that we can never understand and realize that Krishna is man for all seasons and yuga’s , and we till today haven not been able to understand the true meaning and essence of his teaching in the Geeta and Bhagwad.

Osho has been true in saying that we only differentiate and adapt to him at our own level where Krishna in Bhagwad is dancing and singing whereas Krishna in Geeta is talking about Dharma, Karma and significance of war. If we believe in good ness and gaiety in life we will bound to agree with the Krishna in Bhagwad and understand him at our own level again overlooking his totality where he dances and sing s with women and conveys that Body and soul is one and sex can only lead to celibacy not the suppression of any feelings of the soul or body.

on the other hand In geeta he aptly conveys how the war of Mahabharata , and restoration of dharma is the karma and must be followed as it is. He talks about violence and non violence as two sides of the same coin and that thinking about violence is when someone thinks he can kill its materialistic, and the one who thinks he will practice non violence and would not kill anyone is also a materialist . And one thing is common among the violence and non violence believers that “someone can be killed” therefore Krishna rejects both and accepts the immortality of the soul where life and death is materialistic and nothing lives or dies.

This thought above is very spiritual but an eye opener to believe in Krishna and the lesson he wishes to give  us , though we are least ready to understand or accept, forget adopting to it. Spirituality accepts wholeness of life it accepts everything be it love, sex, war , devotion or any other thing.

It is relevant because this age is age of lies, suppression, competition, repression, struggle and suffering and a never ending fight , which is why today the study of Krishna’s teachings become more important as he shows us the way to play our part in this life leela (play )where its only a role we must understand and that we must overcome and stand above this role to conquer these inimical forces that influence us.

The best part osho explains about Krishna is the topic that we are deprived, devoid, suppressed, and asked to repress all out lives which is sex. He has rightly explored the theme and made it understandable for us to know that we must be familiar and make friends with sex not look at it as our enemy, the logic behind this is that we cannot understand our enemies but we can understand our friends very well and have scope to change them, this is true and can be explored further because many of us suppress our urges and carnal instincts, the more we put them back the more we think about them. the more we think the more we are distracted , and again its a wide spread theme to think of it a sin and thus thought in the same way since we were adolescents .

Krishna is the only one who has believed and accepted life in its totality , he never became a saint, lived in celibacy , he was god in true sense , a complete whole, a complete taker of life as it is. he never turned away from the miseries or suffering wars or violence good or evil , he took it as it was and gave the most unimaginable ways to conquer over them and live through them .

And as we are..

we are born to be attracted by the things which are meant not to be disclosed , the opposite always attracts, but we fear so much about the other side that we always wish to cling to all the good things and do away with the bad , dark, evil, pain, etc. But we fail to realize that even this is part of our existence and we need to look into it deeply, and when we come across or face them we feel dilemma, pain, conflict and misery because we are not ready to give up on the pleasantness and goodness of life.

This is what Krishna wants us to do, to believe in whole life to accept the opposites and lead a true life not in fragments or portions where we accept one thing and deny the other rather we must learn to accept the other part as well.

Krishna has a remarkable brilliance and great relevance for every generation of any yuga. we must explore him greatly through his teachings and decipher the inner meaning rather than the outer words only through Bhaghwad or the geeta.